Once a Phoenix video production crew establishes a beach head they are hard to dislodge without a fierce counter attack. Lizaarland was firmly entrenched on enemy (carnie) territory when the first reports of casualties were reported to HQ.
It was noted early in this campaign that a particularly devious carnie was sniping at the lead force of grips. It was further noted in dispatches from the front that this carnie was a female. Although, I must admit from the dossier I received this is still undecided.
Her form of attack was to divert the grips attention by constantly circling their encampment and offering compliments to the boys. Now, you should know that this attack is very effective as grips seldom receive any female attention.
Just when it appeared all would be lost the fe-carnie mounted a zipper (no, not a grips, a carnival ride). This was a huge error in judgement as this sniper was soon lost to the dreaded Zipper Seizure. Soon an ambulance was called and the first casualty was carted away to the nearest hospital.
Even though this was a clear victory for the grips their spirits were crushed with the sudden loss of attention. Being the brave warrior, the Lizardland grips forged on and established a solid field of battle at the carnies strongest defense. The Zero Gravity Ride!
Oh, I must now report severe casualty from the grips. As two of the bravest soldiers (grips) ever to strap on a tool belt attacked this fearsome machine head on as others wailed in horror and sorrow. The final total from this failed assault: Two grips with serious tummy aches.
The loss of such men is hard to stomach but the film team fell back re-formed thier attack with renewed vigor and finally the carnies began to fail.
Slowly, one by one, the carnies silenced there massive machines of death, furled their flags, stilled their generator and retreated to the carnie rear.
Almost as soon as the battle began on that parking lot it was over and the Phoenix video production community stood alone on the field of battle, victorious once more. The Lizardlandvideo.com flag was hoisted and not a dry eye could be seen.